
By no means complete, here is a list of leads in the direction of Clowning (Historical, Contemporary, in the Theater, in the Movies, on the Street, in Hospitals, on the Res and otherwise), Physical Theater, Social Circus, and other topics that seem relevant to the Theme. If you have any additions, please feel free to comment!

Schools and Teachers who lead Workshops for Theatrical Clown

L’Ecole Jacques Le Coq (Paris, France)

Dell’Arte (Blue Lake, CA)

Clown Conservatory at the Circus Center (San Francisco, CA)

Pochinko Technique (as led by Sue Morrison, John Turner or Donna Oblongata)

The Celebration Barn

Giovanni Fusetti

Kenny Raskin

Avner Eisenberg

Hilary Chaplain


Hospital and Humanitarian Clowns

Patch Adams (Gesundheit institute)

Bob Widdup (BB the clown)

Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit

Hearts and Noses, Boston

The Humor Foundation (in Australia)

Clowns with out Borders


Theatre Companies (None are clown troupes per se, but all contain clown elements)

Bread and Puppet Theater

San Francisco Mime Troupe

Wise Fool New Mexico

Theatre Grottesco


Some Clowns and Performers Worth Knowing About:

Movies and TV:

Charlie Chaplin

Buster Keaton

Laurel & Hardy

The Marx Brothers

Red Skelton

Lucille Ball

Gilda Radner

Lily Tomlin

Tracy Ullman


Modern Theatrical Clown:

Bill Irwin

Slava’s Sno Show

Avner the Eccentric

Hilary Chaplain (look up the piece “The Classically Trained Musician”)

Gardi Hutter (Swiss clown)

Puddles the Clown

The Red Bastard


Nineneeth Century:




American Circus:

Emmett Kelly


Native American Clowns:

Hopi clowns