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Song of the Soos

soos /soo-s/ noun: the sound the leaves make when the breeze blows through the trees


If you would like to book one of the following shows, please Contact Susie.

A Harp of Fishbones

Inspired by Joan Aiken’s tale of the same title, orphan Nerryn goes on a journey in search of her origins. The harp that she plays helps her on her way. Told with 9inch tall marrionettes, toy theater style.

The Brave Little Parrot

A fable from the Jataka tales, cantastoria-style. Cantastoria is Italian for “story-singer” and involves a narrator or singer and painted images on cloth.

“Hope is a thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings a tune without the words and never stops at all.” ~ Emily Dickinson



Coming Soon

The Soos Shop

Look for clay creatures, paintings and other bits of whimsy after a show or at seasonal craft fairs.

Class Offerings

If you are interested in any of the following and would like to rally up a class or workshop for kids or adults, please Contact Susie.

Puppet Making

Participants each design their own original character, and create a hand puppet using felt or papier mache.


Learn the history of Cantastoria, perform one, and begin the steps to making your own.

Clowning 101

Silly walks, emotional expression, improvisation and connecting with others; these are all skills we we will explore in the spirit of play.

Puppetshow Making

Take your already made puppets and collaboratively create a story for them to perform!

Story & Verse

Practice your articulation, projection and performance skills through Story and Verse.

Village Sing!

Come together in song. Learn rounds, silly songs, seasonal tunes and more. All voices welcome.


Song of the Soos is the theater and puppetry work of Susie George. Susie is a puppeteer, theatrical-clown, singer and teacher who resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Susie started playing with puppets at the age of 5, but officially began studying the form at Emerson College in Boston where she received a BA in Theater Studies. For many years, Susie toured regionally and internationally as a resident puppeteer with the Bread and Puppet Theater where she worked closely with founders Peter and Elka Schumann and performed in an abundance of circuses, pageants, box shows, street shows and operas. Susie was a Music Together teacher for 7 years teaching music to families and also taught clown classes to children and adults at Wisefool New Mexico before becoming a Lead Elementary teacher at the Santa Fe Waldorf School. Upon the school’s abrupt closure, Susie took up her own creative work revisiting ideas of puppet shows not yet made and characters not yet built. Thus Song of the Soos Theater began.

She is also a member of Teatro Duende, a marionette theater sponsored by the New Mexico Museum of Art.